# Digital Gardening A collective of gardeners publicly tending their digital notes on the interwebs ## Tools and Resources - [TiddlyWiki](https://tiddlywiki.com/) - https://github.com/aengusmcmillin/gatsby-theme-brain - https://web.hypothes.is/ - [Org Roam](https://org-roam.readthedocs.io/en/develop/installation/) ## Theory, Philosophy, and Navel-Gazing - https://joelhooks.com/digital-garden - https://nesslabs.com/mind-garden ## How-To's and Tutorials - [How to build a digital garden with TiddlyWiki](https://nesslabs.com/digital-garden-tiddlywiki) by Ness Labs - [Install org-roam: an introductory technical guide with Doom Emacs]( https://www.ianjones.us/blog/2020-05-05-doom-emacs/) by Ian Jones ## Digital Garden Directory Each listed with 🛠 build tools and 🌿 note themes - [Andy Matuschuk](https://notes.andymatuschak.org/) - 🛠 The Mystery Andy System - 🌿 Note-taking, education, tools for thought - [Anne-Laure Le Cunff](https://www.mentalnodes.com/) - 🛠 TiddlyWiki - 🌿 Networked thinking, metacognition, evidence-based learning and self-education - [Kevin Cummingham](https://kevincunningham.co.uk) - 🛠 Gatsby - 🌿 Web development, React, AWS, GraphQL - https://aengusmcmillin.com/brain - https://nurselog.online - https://notebook.wayanjimmy.xyz - https://notes.salman.io - https://ianjones.us/notes - https://www.contextualise.dev/ - https://www.christopherbiscardi.com/garden - https://notes.azlen.me