import fs from "fs"; import matter from "gray-matter"; import { MDXRemote } from "next-mdx-remote"; import { serialize } from "next-mdx-remote/serialize"; import imageSize from "rehype-img-size"; import dynamic from "next/dynamic"; import Head from "next/head"; import Link from "next/link"; import Image from "next/image"; import path from "path"; import Layout from "../components/Layout"; import { gardenFilePath, GARDENS_PATH } from "../utils/mdxUtils"; // Custom components/renderers to pass to MDX. // Since the MDX files aren't loaded by webpack, they have no knowledge of how // to handle import statements. Instead, you must include components in scope // here. const components = { img: (props) => , // It also works with dynamically-imported components, which is especially // useful for conditionally loading components for certain routes. // See the notes in for more details. // TestComponent: dynamic(() => import("../../components/TestComponent")), Head, }; export default function GardenPage({ source, frontMatter }) { return (


{frontMatter.description &&


); } export const getStaticProps = async ({ params }) => { const gardenFilePath = path.join(GARDENS_PATH, `${params.slug}.mdx`); const source = fs.readFileSync(gardenFilePath); const { content, data } = matter(source); const mdxSource = await serialize(content, { // Optionally pass remark/rehype plugins mdxOptions: { remarkPlugins: [], rehypePlugins: [[imageSize, { dir: "public" }]], }, scope: data, }); return { props: { source: mdxSource, frontMatter: data, }, }; }; export const getStaticPaths = async () => { const paths = gardenFilePath // Remove file extensions for page paths .map((path) => path.replace(/\.mdx?$/, "")) // Map the path into the static paths object required by Next.js .map((slug) => ({ params: { slug } })); return { paths, fallback: false, }; };